Answered By: Van Pelt and Opie Library
Last Updated: May 29, 2024     Views: 297

You may request materials from the Main Collection be pulled and held for pick-up at the desk. The Archives are provide limited appointments to access archival materials in-person (schedule an appointment). Please see the Library Hours page for the most up to date info.

To request items for pick-up, you can:

  1. Call 487-2508 or email with your request details
  2. Utilize Document Delivery to place a request through your interlibrary loan account (this works just like interlibrary loan and leverages the same form). 

Pickup Options:

  1. If your request was for just a single article or chapter of a book, library staff will scan and email the material to you.
  2. For larger works (books, journal issues, etc.), you have the option to pickup your materials at the Circulation desk.

Curbside pickup can be arranged upon request. Email us at for more info or with questions.

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Contact Us


Student Research Consultants (SRCs) and librarians are available from 9:00am to 5:00pm, Monday through Friday. Please see Library Hours, Breaks & Exceptions for any changes to our regular hours.

(906) 379-9579


request a consultation with a librarian or archivist



(906) 487-2507

M-F: 9am – 5pm
Sat-Sun: Closed
