Answered By: Van Pelt and Opie Library
Last Updated: Jul 26, 2022     Views: 76

The Carillon is housed in a secure location in the library with other sensitive University networking equipment, which prohibits access to the Carillon by public or private tour. The organ/keyboard interface to the Carillon is disabled and in storage, so there is no performance possible at present. The access to this equipment, including regular calibration of time and periodic disabling, is moderated by the library technology team. Finally, the speaker system is housed atop the Memorial Union Building and wired into the telecom infrastructure of the library.

Comments (1)

  1. So sorry that the carillon console is disconnected and in storage ... I had the privilege and honor of playing the Tech Library carillon 1971-74. John Clark, director of choral music in 1971, asked if I would like to give it a try - what fun (for this classical organist!) Performed three 45-50 minute recitals each week, sometimes "extras" for holidays, commencement, etc. My supervisor was Mr. Riley Whearty - a jolly fellow who knew my Dad (Chester Schmalz, Chem.Eng. '42) from his alumni activities and recruiting trips. The highlight of that wonderful musical experience was playing for my graduation in August 1974 (the day Tricky Dicky a.k.a. Richard Madhouse Nixon) resigned the US Presidency. Commencement speaker was Mr. Soichiro (sp?) Honda, founder of the Honda Motor Corp. After receiving my diploma from Dr. Ray Smith, I literally ran downhill from the hockey stadium and waited at the carillon console for the phone call (via the old-timey landline at the organ-like console!) - then played an hour-long recital. Mr. Honda and his entourage made a brief visit, in addition to my very proud parents. I remember that day as if it was happening now ... what joy!
    by Mark Schmalz '74 on Dec 27, 2023

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